Turn Your Mess Into Your Parenting Message
Centering Thought Storytelling is a powerful teaching tool. The more honest and vulnerable the storyteller, the more powerful the...

Good Intentions in Parenting… and the Road to Hell and Back
Centering Thought Be aware and proactive. ---------------------------- "If I only knew then what I know now." I can't tell you how many...

Honey, I Shrunk the Kid (Her Motivation, That Is)
Centering Thought Words can build up or tear down. Use them wisely. --------------------------- “Four As and a B- in math. That’s a...

Feeling Like a Failure? Don't - It's Only a Feeling
Centering Thought Failure is simply not reaching a desired goal. That's it. -------------------- Too many of us go through life...

An Inspiring Life Lies Outside Your Comfort Zone
Centering Thought This isn't about your achievements. It's about who you are and how you show up in life. ------------------------- We...

Welcome to Holland (by Emily Kingsley)
Centering Thought Life doesn’t always go the way you planned. ----------------------------- I know it’s a cliche, but it’s true. Life...

The Best Way to Pay a Compliment
Centering Thought People feel good about themselves when they do good things - and sometimes they need others to point out or remind them...

Love is Not About Being Nice
Centering Thought I am committed to my child’s independence and I give him what he needs. -------------------- Do you equate loving your...

What's Driving Your Family - A Person or Values?
Centering Thought Your values represent your best self, and the basis for preparing your children to go out into the world and thrive....